
The team consists currently of 5 Principal Investigators (see below).

A call for hiring PhD students and PostDocs is currently advertised at this link.

Principal Investigators

Michael Kunzinger

Michael Kunzinger

Research interests: Low regularity and synthetic Differential Geometry, Lorentzian Geometry, General Relativity (singularity theorems, low regularity spacetimes), Generalized Functions, Partial Differential Equations.

Raquel Perales

Raquel Perales

Research interests: Geometric Analysis and Riemannian Geometry; in particular, RCD\((K,N)\) spaces, Ricci, integral Ricci and scalar curvature lower bounds, Geometric Flows, Yamabe-type problems, and General Relativity.

Chiara Rigoni

Chiara Rigoni

Research interests: Optimal transport, Riemannian geometry, analysis and geometry on metric measure spaces, synthetic curvature-dimension condition, Dirichlet spaces, Gradient flow theory.

Clemens Sämann - Magdalena Waldl Fotografie
Magdalena Waldl Fotografie

Clemens Sämann

Research interests: Lorentzian geometry, Mathematical General Relativity, in particular low regularity and synthetic approaches to General Relativity; metric (measure) geometry; Optimal Transport.

Roland Steinbauer

Roland Steinbauer (coordinator)

Research interests: Mathematical General Relativity (causality theory, cosmic censorship, exact radiative solutions), Low regularity (Lorentzian) Differential Geometry, (Non-linear) Generalized Functions, Mathematics Education Research.